The Andy Griffith TV show is one of the most iconic and enduring television programs in history. Six decades later, the family comedy set in mythical Mayberry, NC still finds its way into our homes. The primary reason for that is the character of Sheriff Andy Taylor, played by the late Andy Griffith. Andy was the father we all wanted and the father that we would love to be. He was funny, wise, disciplined, compassionate and humble. The parenting and community values displayed in the show for many people are what American life was either like or should be.
In this 4 week series, we’ll discover the Biblical values demonstrated throughout the show and explore ways to apply them to our daily lives. |
Audio Sermons
Study Guides
P1 - Vintage Values Study Guide |
P2 - Principles and Priorities Study Guide |
P3 - Equip and Encourage Study Guide |
P4 - Lessons on Lasting Leadership Study Guide |
Sermon Outlines
P1 - Modern Living and Vintage Values |
P2 - Vintage Values - Gaining Perspective |
P3 - Vintage Values - Profiles of Encouragement |
P4 - Vintage Values - Lessons on Lasting Leadership |